Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shot Reverse Shot, 30° Rule, Continuity

A picture i found on shot revers shot.

Shot Reverse Shot -
when you are filming two people talking and one shot is the reverse of the other shot. it makes the audience establish that there are twp people talking to eachother face to face. it is important not to break the 180° rule.

The 30° Rule

The 30° rule is a basic film editing guideline that states the camera should move at least 30° between shots of the same subject. This change of perspective makes the shots different enough to avoid a jump cut. Too much movement around the subject may violate the 180° rule.


is consistency of the characteristics of persons, plot, objects, places and events seen by the reader or viewer. It is of relevance to several media. Continuity is particularly a concern in the production of film and television due to the difficulty of rectifying an error in continuity after shooting has wrapped up.

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